
The base tokenizer from which other tokenizers are expected to inhereit.

The SequenceTokenizerSettings in particular holds common tokens and their associated ids for common special tokens. For example unk_token for unknown tokens.

SequenceTokenizer pydantic-model

The sequence tokenizer object.

special_token_ids: List[int] property readonly

Return the list of token ids corresponding to special tokens.

special_tokens: List[str] property readonly

Return the set of special tokens that are not None.

apply_length_constraints(self, tokens)

Apply the constraints from the settings to the passed tokens list.

Source code in gcgc/tokenizer/
def apply_length_constraints(self, tokens: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    """Apply the constraints from the settings to the passed tokens list."""
    if self.conform_length:
        tokens = _pad_token_list(
            tokens, self.conform_length, str(self.pad_token), self.pad_at_end,
        return tokens[: self.conform_length]

    if self.min_length:
        tokens = _pad_token_list(tokens, self.min_length, str(self.pad_token), self.pad_at_end)

    if self.max_length:
        tokens = tokens[: self.max_length]

    return tokens

bare_tokenizer(**values) classmethod

Init a tokenizer like normal, but default all tokens to None.

Source code in gcgc/tokenizer/
def bare_tokenizer(cls, **values):
    """Init a tokenizer like normal, but default all tokens to None."""
    pad_token = values.pop("pad_token", None)
    bos_token = values.pop("bos_token", None)
    eos_token = values.pop("eos_token", None)
    mask_token = values.pop("mask_token", None)
    unk_token = values.pop("unk_token", None)

    return cls(

get_special_tokens_mask(self, token_ids)

Given the input set of tokens, return a list that demarcates special character.

>>> from gcgc import KmerTokenizer
>>> tokenizer = KmerTokenizer()

# Assuming 1 is bos_token, 2 is eos_token, and 0 is pad_token.
>>> tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask([1, 34, 21, 0, 0, 0, 2])
[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]


Name Type Description Default
token_ids List[int]

The list of integer tokens that may or may not be special tokens according to the toeknizer's settings.



Type Description

A list of 0s and 1s, where the value is one if the token is a special character.

Source code in gcgc/tokenizer/
def get_special_tokens_mask(self, token_ids: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    """Given the input set of tokens, return a list that demarcates special character.

        >>> from gcgc import KmerTokenizer
        >>> tokenizer = KmerTokenizer()

        # Assuming 1 is bos_token, 2 is eos_token, and 0 is pad_token.
        >>> tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask([1, 34, 21, 0, 0, 0, 2])
        [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        token_ids: The list of integer tokens that may or may not be special tokens according
            to the toeknizer's settings.

        A list of 0s and 1s, where the value is one if the token is a special character.

    return [int(token_id in self.special_token_ids) for token_id in token_ids]

token_ids(values) classmethod

Update the pad token id if appropriate.

Source code in gcgc/tokenizer/
def token_ids(cls, values):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use,no-self-argument
    """Update the pad token id if appropriate."""
    vocab = values["vocab"]

    for key, value in values.items():
        if key.endswith("_token"):
            token_id_field = f"{key}_id"
            token_id = values[token_id_field]

            if token_id is None and value is not None:
                values[token_id_field] = vocab[value]
            elif token_id is not None and value is not None:
                # pylint: disable=fixme
                # TODO: check that token_id isn't already set (maybe its in the inverse?)
                vocab[value] = token_id

    return values

validate_lengths(values) classmethod

Check the length arguments are valid.

Source code in gcgc/tokenizer/
def validate_lengths(cls, values):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument, no-self-use
    """Check the length arguments are valid."""
    max_length = values.get("max_length")
    min_length = values.get("min_length")
    conform_length = values.get("conform_length")
    pad_token = values.get("pad_token")

    if conform_length is not None and (max_length is not None or min_length is not None):
        raise ValueError("If conform length is not None, max and min length can't be set.")

    if max_length is not None and min_length is not None and min_length > max_length:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Min length {min_length} cannot be more than max length {max_length}."

    if (conform_length is not None or min_length is not None) and pad_token is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot set conform_length or min_length without a pad_token.")

    return values